This recipe was created for the Czech blog awards. Following the assignment, we created a cold starter, which we matched to a drink based on Aperol. Jan really played with it, so the process is a bit more complicated this time: perhaps it might serve you as an inspiration! Sweetness of shrimp, spicy foam and creamy cauliflower perfectly matches with granita and a refreshing drink: rooibos is simply fantastic.
For 1 portion:
6 shrimps (size 31-40)
20 ml mint oil
2 g maltodextrin
1 lime
Curry Orange spice
30 ml white wine
30 g butter
200 ml milk
200 ml chicken stock
2 g lecithine
150 g cauliflower
salt and pepper
Afrika Spritz
40 ml strong rooibos tea
60 ml Aperol
60 ml Prosecco Spumante
2 splashes Orange Bitters
100 ml blood orange juice
10 ml juiced ginger
30 ml vanilla sirup (500 ml water, 500 g sugar, 2 vanilla beans)
Clean and peel the shrimps, season and set aside. The best ones are chilled: we got them from our great Seefish partners (check out the site, the shop and the bistro are located in Dlouha Street), so thank you very much.
Blanch the shrimps in slightly salted water until they done, preferably for about 2 minutes. Then drizzle them with some olive oil and let them rest. This recipe is cold, so it does not matter if they cool down.
Sweat the curry spice in the half of the butter, until you feel the wonderful scent. Add white wine and let the alcohol boil out, add broth and cook for about 5 minutes. Then add 100 ml of milk, lecithin and do not cook anymore: the foam should be around 60 degrees when you make it otherwise it will not hold properly. Finally, put the rest of the butter in and before serving the foam, gently blend it with hand mixer – it is better to make it in a bigger container and keep the mixer on the side, the foam has more space to form.
You can make cauliflower cream like we did in some previous past recipes – put cauliflower florets into milk and cook for about 10 minutes. Season with salt and move them to a higher pot, blend with hand mixer and add a little butter.
The mint snow is done by mixing maltodextrin with a small amount of mint oil. Grate a lime zest into it. You can create a granita very simply – mix all the ingredients and let it freeze. Use a fork to scrape it. Then put it in a glass, mix all the ingredients for a drink together and mix it well. You can just eat the granita with it or put it inside the drink – both ways works.
Place all the ingredients on a serving dish and finish with some salat leaves or edible flowers (or whatever grows on your balcony) and serve with the granita and Africa Spritz. It’s a bomb !!!