Bean soup has many fans and haters but we think the sausage crumbs can break even the biggest enemies of beans. Don’t worry about it! This recipe is a bit more sophisticated than the Czech classic and it’s also very simple.
For 4 servings:
100 g dried white beans
1 sausage suitable for cooking
2 springs of rosemary
30 g panko breadcrumbs
1 big onion
50 g butter
50 ml of white wine
2 cloves of garlic
500 ml chicken stock
200 ml whole milk
Salt, pepper, olive oil
Soak the beans into cold water overnight. Gently chop the onion, sweat it down with half of the butter and a little oil. Add the roughly chopped garlic and cook a little: we do not want any colour.
Add white wine and let the alcohol evaporate. Add the beans and chicken stock. Cook for a while, it depends what kind of beans you are using (ours was ready in one hour). Put about one-fifth of the beans aside when they are soft and add the milk. Bring to boil again. Blitz all together. Consistency should be creamy. Add the remaining butter, stir and season well.
Cut the sausage into small pieces (cubes) it is easier if it’s well chilled. Put it on a non-stick pan on and fry until golden brown. Add breadcrumbs and leave to fry together. Ground some fresh pepper. Put it onto the kitchen paper to dry it.
Chop some rosemary and mix with olive oil in a ratio 1 to 2 parts. Finally, pour the soup into a bowl, top up with couple of whole beans, crumble and drizzle with rosemary oil. Enjoy your meal!